INFPRJ03 – Project 3: Build a webstore

This time we were asked to build a online store for a small computer electronics retailer. We were supplied with flat-file listing of all products and their attributes, and matching images.
We decided to use PHP because some of us had already worked with this language. One point of interest for this project is that we built a database that every product attribute could have sub-attributes, and each sub-attribute could have it’s own sub-attributes. At the same time attributes could have values associated with them.
For the editing of products we opted for a very user friendly Ajax approach: just click the part of the product you want to edit (the name or the description for instance) and that part changes into a text-field in which the text can be changed. Once you leave the field the change is committed to the database.
We also made it possible to nest an infinite amount of categories into each other, and to assign multiple categories to one product.

Unfortunately my web host currently does not support the PostgreSQL version that is needed for the solutions developed for this project. Therefore there is no working version of the end result at the moment.

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